E Komo Mai

Hands-on Learning Experiences


At Kahua Pa’a Mua, we proudly host a variety of groups, offering them unique hands-on experiences on our farm. Our visitors gain an insightful first-hand look at the collaborative efforts between our mentors and mentees.

Our notable collaborations and events include:

  • Hosting volunteers from the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) to assist in cleanup and crop reestablishment at Kapa Farm.

  • Partnering with the Malama Aina Foundation to place 75 garden boxes at 25 sites across East and West Hawaii Island.

  • Welcoming students from Nueva school to explore Hawaiian culture and engage in hands-on gardening activities.

  • KSBE Ulu Mau is a summer program for youth ages 8-10 held at Kapa farm. The activities include crop production, animal care and maintenance, developing a floral garden and agroforestry, and learning culinary skills for preparing their lunches. This program also features a weekly huaka’i (excursion) for adventure and exploration.

  • Receiving the KSBE Kaiaulu Ulu Hou II grant to work with four schools (Kohala, Hilo, Kea’au, and Ka’u). This initiative focuses on developing their native culture in their respective Wahipana (area where they live).

Join us at Kahua Pa’a Mua to witness and participate in our enriching hands-on projects and see the impactful work we do with our community.

Ulu Hou II

Participation from 4 schools Kea’au, Ka’u, Hilo, Kohala.

Kea'au High school

Hilo High school

Ka'u High school

Kohala High school

Fifth graders of Kohala Elementary visit KPM farm

In this video, Kohala Elementary School’s fifth graders spend a day at Kahua Pa’a Mua Farm, experiencing the daily life on a farm. They learn about natural farming practices and sustainability, and get hands-on exposure to animal husbandry. The students also have the opportunity to learn 'Ōlelo Hawai'i (Hawaiian language), focusing on words related to the 'āina (land) and farming. Additionally, they receive words of wisdom from Uncle David who shares four key lessons: know your origin to honor your ancestors, connect with your values to guide your decisions, understand the purpose behind your actions, and envision your destiny to achieve the best for both yourself and your community.